> Add-ons > URL Title Converter

URL Title Converter for ExpressionEngine

Description: Convert foreign-language characters in the URL Title field to custom characters.
Category: ExpressionEngine add-on
Author: Gabriel Schwardy, Caleydon s.r.o. -

Image: URL Title Converter for ExpressionEngine

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  1. Make sure, you are running ExpressionEngine CMS.
  2. Upload a whole url_title_converter folder into /system/user/addons/ folder (EE3 - EE7) or /system/expressionengine/third_party/ folder (EE1 - EE2).
  3. Go into the Add-On Manager in your admin area and enable it.
  4. Now will be foreign characters in entry's title converted to URL title in friendly format. E.g.: "ß" like "ss"; "ш" like "sh" etc.
  5. If you need, modify url_title_converter_lang.php file for your native language as you wish.

Changelog (EE3 ➟ EE7)

Changelog (EE1 ➟ EE2)

Conversion table used by URL Title Converter add-on

Code Title sign URL Title sign
260 Ą a
261 ą a
262 Ć c
263 ć c
268 Č c
269 č c
270 Ď d
271 ď d
274 Ē e
275 ē e
276 Ĕ e
277 ĕ e
280 Ę e
281 ę e
282 Ě e
283 ě e
290 Ģ g
291 ģ g
298 Ī i
299 ī i
310 Ķ k
311 ķ k
313 Ĺ l
314 ĺ l
315 Ļ l
316 ļ l
317 Ľ l
318 ľ l
321 Ł l
322 ł l
323 Ń n
324 ń n
325 Ņ n
326 ņ n
327 Ň n
328 ň n
340 Ŕ r
341 ŕ r
344 Ř r
345 ř r
346 Ś s
347 ś s
352 Š s
353 š s
356 Ť t
357 ť t
362 Ū u
363 ū u
366 Ů u
367 ů u
377 Ź z
378 ź z
379 Ż z
380 ż z
381 Ž z
382 ž z
138 Š s
142 Ž z
154 š s
158 ž z
159 Ÿ y
192 À a
193 Á a
194 Â a
195 Ã a
196 Ä a
197 Å a
198 Æ a
200 È e
201 É e
202 Ê e
203 Ë e
204 Ì i
205 Í i
206 Î i
207 Ï i
210 Ò o
211 Ó o
212 Ô o
213 Õ o
214 Ö o
336 Ő o
217 Ù u
218 Ú u
219 Û u
220 Ü u
368 Ű u
221 Ý y
223 ß ss
224 à a
225 á a
226 â a
229 å a
227 ã a
228 ä a
230 æ a
199 Ç c
231 ç c
232 è e
233 é e
234 ê e
235 ë e
236 ì i
237 í i
238 î i
239 ï i
241 ñ n
242 ò o
243 ó o
244 ô o
245 õ o
246 ö o
337 ő o
249 ù u
250 ú u
251 û u
252 ü u
369 ű u
253 ý y
255 ÿ y
256 Ā a
257 ā a
223 ß ss
1072 а a
1073 б b
1074 в v
1075 г g
1076 д d
1077 е e
1105 ё yo
1078 ж zh
1079 з z
1080 и i
1081 й j
1082 к k
1083 л l
1084 м m
1085 н n
1086 о o
1087 п p
1088 р r
1089 с s
1090 т t
1091 у u
1092 ф f
1093 х h
1094 ц c
1095 ч ch
1096 ш sh
1097 щ sch
1099 ы y
1101 э e
1102 ю yu
1103 я ya
1040 А a
1041 Б b
1042 В v
1043 Г g
1044 Д d
1045 Е e
1025 Ё yo
1046 Ж zh
1047 З z
1048 И i
1049 Й j
1050 К k
1051 Л l
1052 М m
1053 Н n
1054 О o
1055 П p
1056 Р r
1057 С s
1058 Т t
1059 У u
1060 Ф f
1061 Х h
1062 Ц c
1063 Ч ch
1064 Ш sh
1065 Щ sch
1067 Ы y
1069 Э e
1070 Ю yu
1071 Я ya
162 ¢ cent
163 £ pound
165 ¥ yen
176 ° degree
8356 lira
8364 euro
971 ϋ ou
944 ΰ ou
945 α a
946 β b
947 γ g
948 δ d
949 ε e
950 ζ z
951 η i
952 θ th
953 ι i
954 κ k
955 λ l
956 μ m
957 ν n
958 ξ ks
959 ο o
960 π p
961 ρ r
963 σ s
964 τ t
965 υ i
966 φ f
967 χ x
968 ψ ps
969 ω o
940 ά a
941 έ e
942 ή i
943 ί i
972 ό o
973 ύ i
974 ώ o
938 Ϊ i
939 Ϋ i
901 ΅
903 ·
Ου Ου ou
Ού Ού ou
913 Α a
914 Β b
915 Γ g
916 Δ d
917 Ε e
918 Ζ z
919 Η i
920 Θ th
921 Ι i
922 Κ k
923 Λ l
924 Μ m
925 Ν n
926 Ξ ks
927 Ο o
928 Π p
929 Ρ r
931 Σ s
932 Τ t
933 Υ i
934 Φ f
935 Χ x
936 Ψ ps
937 Ω o
902 Ά a
904 Έ e
905 Ή i
906 Ί i
908 Ό o
910 Ύ i
911 Ώ o
962 ς s
970 ϊ i
912 ΐ i
1569 ء 'a
1575 ا a
1570 آ a
1571 أ a
1573 إ ae
1609 ى a
1576 ب b
1577 ة t
1578 ت t
1579 ث th
1580 ج j
1581 ح h
1582 خ kh
1583 د d
1584 ذ th
1585 ر r
1586 ز z
1587 س s
1588 ش sh
1589 ص s
1590 ض dh
1591 ط t
1592 ظ dh
1593 ع a
1594 غ gh
1600 ـ
1601 ف f
1602 ق g
1603 ك k
1604 ل l
1605 م m
1606 ن n
1607 ه h
1608 و w
1572 ؤ w
1610 ي y
1574 ئ a
1615 ُ o
1611 ً n
1613 ٍ en
1612 ٌ on
1614 َ a
1616 ِ i

Updated: March 6, 2020

Permitted Use

One license grants the right to perform one installation of the Software. Each additional installation of the Software requires an additional purchased license. For free Software, no purchase is necessary, but this license still applies.


Unless you have been granted prior, written consent from Caleydon s.r.o., you may not:

Display of Copyright Notices

All copyright and proprietary notices and logos in the Control Panel and within the Software files must remain intact.

Making Copies

You may make copies of the Software for back-up purposes, provided that you reproduce the Software in its original form and with all proprietary notices on the back-up copy.

Software Modification

You may alter, modify, or extend the Software for your own use, or commission a third-party to perform modifications for you, but you may not resell, redistribute or transfer the modified or derivative version without prior written consent from Caleydon s.r.o. Components from the Software may not be extracted and used in other programs without prior written consent from Caleydon s.r.o.

Technical Support

Technical support is available through e-mail, at Caleydon s.r.o. does not provide direct phone support. No representations or guarantees are made regarding the response time in which support questions are answered.


Caleydon s.r.o. offers refunds on software within 30 days of purchase. Contact for assistance. This does not apply if the Software is free.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Caleydon s.r.o. for any third-party claims, actions or suits, as well as any related expenses, liabilities, damages, settlements or fees arising from your use or misuse of the Software, or a violation of any terms of this license.

Disclaimer Of Warranty

The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of quality, performance, non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. further, Caleydon s.r.o. Does not warrant that the software or any related service will always be available.

Limitations Of Liability

You assume all risk associated with the installation and use of the software. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders of the software be liable for claims, damages or other liability arising from, out of, or in connection with the software. License holders are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of use and assume all risks associated with its use, including but not limited to the risks of program errors, damage to equipment, loss of data or software programs, or unavailability or interruption of operations.

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Last update: 08/03/2022